AWS Elastic Beanstalk y Webratio

16 Feb '12, 06:48 AM
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Existe una manera fácil de subir un proyecto realizado en Webratio a Amazon Elastic Beanstalk? Amazon Web Services (AWS) tiene un set de herramientas para Eclipse ( y al ser Webratio hecho sobre la base de Eclipse, se me ocurre, que podría subir una aplicación directamente sin mayor dificultad. He instalado casi todos los plug-ins pero al momento de instalar el de Amazon Elastic Beanstalk obtengo un error "requires plug-in "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee (1.1.0), or later" Alguna idea o explicación de que puede estar sucediendo?

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Hello, every application that you develop and generate with WebRatio are web application Java standard. So it is possible to deploy them in any Java environment. In order to do it, you have only to put the .war file generated from WebRatio in your Amazon server.

From the next WebRatio release, WebRatio 7, it will be possible, with a one-click-action, to generate and deploy directly in the cloud.

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When will be webratio 7 available? What are the new features? Is there any roadmap over here? Thanks.

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Thanks for your answer. We are waiting webratio 7. Regards

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